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Archive: May 2021

Since the formation of the Sentencing Council in March 2013, the number of sentencing guideline judgments have proliferated. There are six common sentencing approaches: “five-step sentencing bands” approach; “two-step sentencing bands” approach; “sentencing matrix” approach; “multiple starting points” approach; “benchmark” approach;

As a general rule, costs on an indemnity basis should be exceptional, and ought to be exceptionally justified. In BTN v BTP [2021] SGHC 38, the Singapore High Court considered the desirability of a default rule awarding costs on an

by Benny Tan and Eleanor Wong Benny Tan and Eleanor Wong’s monograph on the regulation of

My friends and I are always looking to discover new spots to hang out in

The Legal Aid and Advice Act (Cap. 160) (LAAA) was amended in May 2019 to

Articles From This Month's Issue

Since the formation of the Sentencing Council in March 2013, the number of sentencing guideline judgments have proliferated. There are six common sentencing

As a general rule, costs on an indemnity basis should be exceptional, and ought to be exceptionally justified. In BTN v BTP

Dear Members, This month, I will reiterate various cautions about cybersecurity in the light of a few recent incidents. The Law Society first issued

1. What was the transition like from working in the office to working from home? I consider myself fairly tech savvy but even

Over the past decade, automation has dramatically changed how companies do business. The legal industry is certainly no exception, with an estimated

by Benny Tan and Eleanor Wong Benny Tan and Eleanor Wong’s monograph on the regulation of media in Singapore is a much welcome

My friends and I are always looking to discover new spots to hang out in Singapore. Someone proposed PRAIRIE by Craftsmen. The

The Legal Aid and Advice Act (Cap. 160) (LAAA) was amended in May 2019 to enable the Director of Legal Aid to

The reforms carried out over the years of independence of Uzbekistan have contributed to the democratization and liberalization of the judicial and

It is a bitter-sweet honour to be penning this for my good friend and buddy, Mr V Subramaniam. His life and mine

The articles above are from the May 2021 issue of the Law Gazette.