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Archive: September 2021

Tan Woo Thian v PricewaterhouseCoopers Negligent misstatement cases typically involve claims by the recipient of the statement. Since Spring v Guardian Assurance, there has been an increasing number of cases where the plaintiff is the subject of the negligent misstatement, which

A Commentary on Teo Seng Tiong v Public Prosecutor [2021] SGCA 65 A five-coram Court of Appeal has held that previously compounded offences under any law can potentially aggravate the sentence that an offender receives for a future offence. What are

This article explores the possibility of resurrecting a company under section 208(1) of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act or section 344(5) of the Companies Act. It considers the following issues: (a) whether the statutory time limits may be extended;

A Commentary on the Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill The Penal Code was recently substantially amended

Connectivity Through Law and Commerce Basil C Bitas General Editor ASEAN and the Belt and Road Initiative

This is the seventh annual review of Singapore’s performance in international moot court competitions.

Articles From This Month's Issue

Tan Woo Thian v PricewaterhouseCoopers Negligent misstatement cases typically involve claims by the recipient of the statement. Since Spring v Guardian Assurance, there

A Commentary on Teo Seng Tiong v Public Prosecutor [2021] SGCA 65 A five-coram Court of Appeal has held that previously compounded offences

This article explores the possibility of resurrecting a company under section 208(1) of the Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act or section 344(5)

The Family Lawyer as Family Healer (Closing Address, Family Conference 2021 on 29 September 2021) Deputy Presiding Judge, Family Justice Courts, Judge Chia Wee

Ransomware is again in vogue as a “global systemic threat”, and to borrow the sobering words of the Cyber Security Agency of

A Commentary on the Criminal Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill The Penal Code was recently substantially amended in 2019 to better protect vulnerable victims

Connectivity Through Law and Commerce Basil C Bitas General Editor ASEAN and the Belt and Road Initiative – Connectivity through Law and Commerce is

Back then in the 1960s, the Keong Saik area was a red-light district with many brothels run by secret societies. In present

Burnout is rampant in the legal profession, especially in the first few years. While this is largely due to the long hours

This is the seventh annual review of Singapore’s performance in international moot court competitions.

The articles above are from the September 2021 issue of the Law Gazette.