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Archive: May 2019

This article examines the judicial articulation of unwritten constitutional norms in Singapore over the last few years. It takes as its starting point that the constitution is underpinned by foundational norms and the articulation of such norms is important to

There has been an increased interest in the field of administrative law in Singapore in recent years. This has been triggered by a number of significant developments in the field.

The Presumption of Constitutionality is an oft-cited but seldom explored theme in Constitutional Law, and would appear to have been settled after the Court of Appeal decision in Lim Meng Suang & anor v Attorney-General. However, the recent Indian Supreme

The review of decisions on grounds of irrationality (rationality review) is central to modern administrative law. Thus, Singapore’s courts have affirmed a general standard of rationality review, applicable regardless of a decision-maker’s office or the field he purports to have

Dear Amicus Agony, I am an associate in a law firm and thinking about making the

Insights from a Forensic Scientist Introduction Forensic analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for the justice

The Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Parliament on 19 November

Articles From This Month's Issue

This article examines the judicial articulation of unwritten constitutional norms in Singapore over the last few years. It takes as its starting

There has been an increased interest in the field of administrative law in Singapore in recent years. This has been triggered by

The Presumption of Constitutionality is an oft-cited but seldom explored theme in Constitutional Law, and would appear to have been settled after

The review of decisions on grounds of irrationality (rationality review) is central to modern administrative law. Thus, Singapore’s courts have affirmed a

Last year when the idea of a special issue on public law was mooted at the Publications Committee meeting, I was delighted

This speech was delivered by the President at the Launch of Smart Law Guild on 15 May 2019. Guest of Honour, Minister S

Dear Members, Technology, technology, technology. We are all tech this month with the launch of the Tech-celerate support scheme on 2 May in

Dear Amicus Agony, I am an associate in a law firm and thinking about making the switch in-house. Is there a "way back"

The Future of Law The future of law is not a subject that lawyers were taught at law school. Neither would it seem

What value do lawyers bring to the table when clients are faced with a dispute or a transaction needing our legal advice

Insights from a Forensic Scientist Introduction Forensic analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for the justice system. Its unique ability to uncover the

The last mile is a concept that specifically focuses on the movement of goods or services from the distribution centre to the

This was a bit of a foodie adventure from the start. “Where is it?” We arrive at the stated address but the

Beyond the iconic red “Routemaster” buses and the Tower Bridge of London, there is much more to explore and see in the

The Legal Aid and Advice (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Parliament on 19 November 2018. This article discusses the significant amendments

The articles above are from the May 2019 issue of the Law Gazette.