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The Singapore Law Gazette

Lee Cheong Hoh

Dear Mr Lee Cheong Hoh,

To a senior lawyer whom I won’t forget

I will forever remember your patience when you listened to me.

I had complained about law practice when I met you in the Court.

You listened to me and assured me that I could overcome the odds.

I dropped out of law practice intermittently from 2016 onwards.

I met you again in your office in late 2019 which was only a few months ago.

You listened to me so patiently like a kind father for two hours.

You assured me that you would assist me in my foray into data protection.

I only knew you had cancer after hearing from a fellow lawyer.

When I next saw you, I was dismayed to see a scrawny you lying in your coffin on 29 January 2021 at Singapore Casket.

I heard how you had suffered from the vomiting and pain after your second dose of chemotherapy.

I heard how you had fought against your cancer until you succumbed.

I wished that I had sought God’s healing for your cancer but alas I was too bogged down with my own personal issues.

I pray that God is with you and you are now basking in His love and grace in heaven.

I know you will continue to wish me well and cheer me on together with the cloud of witnesses in heaven.

I will emulate your fighting spirit and never give up my fight for justice.

Thank you for your encouragement, your advice and patience.

I will never forget your smiling face whenever you met me in court and called me “mai kia” in Hainanese.

I bid you farewell until we meet again in our loving Father’s arms where there is no more pain, sorrow and tears.

Adieu, dear Mr Lee Cheong Hoh.

Judy Cheng
Advocate & Solicitor

Advocate & Solicitor