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The Singapore Law Gazette

Legal Tech and Client Experience

Enhancing Service Delivery in Law Firms

The legal profession is at a critical juncture, with technology reshaping client satisfaction and service delivery. This article evaluates legal tech innovations’ role in improving client experiences, advocating for services that meet modern demands for personalization and accessibility. It discusses measures to better capture client value perceptions in the digital era. Strategic client management is emphasised as key to building lasting relationships through proactive engagement. Additionally, it examines how technological advancements redefine service delivery, enhancing efficiency and client convenience.

To compete, innovative law firms are using technology to augment personalised services, aiming to exceed expectations and strengthen lawyer-client bonds. This article provides strategies for law firm leaders to leverage tech innovations effectively, ensuring competitive advantage in a dynamic marketplace.


The legal profession stands at a pivotal juncture where technology’s role transcends mere operational efficiency, evolving into a critical determinant of client satisfaction and service delivery excellence. This article dissects the multifaceted impact of legal tech innovations in enhancing the client experience within law firms. Central to our discussion is the premise that leveraging technology enables law firms to tailor services that meet clients’ expectations for personalization, accessibility, and responsiveness.

We explore metrics to evaluate client satisfaction and capture the complex and nuanced aspects of how clients perceive value in today’s digital era. Strategic client management emerges as a cornerstone for fostering enduring relationships, with proactive engagement and deep listening identified as key practices that align service offerings with clients’ evolving needs.

Moreover, we delve into how innovations at the intersection of legal expertise and technology drive superior service delivery. The article illustrates how redefining service boundaries through integrated solutions significantly improves client accessibility and convenience.

Looking ahead, we posit that future trends will increasingly see law firms integrating legal technologies not as replacements for human interaction but as enablers that augment personalized service delivery. The goal remains clear: harnessing technological advancements to consistently exceed clients’ expectations while fostering stronger connections between lawyers and their clients.

In synthesizing these insights, this article aims to equip law firm leaders with actionable strategies for leveraging legal tech innovations. By embracing a forward-thinking approach to technology integration, law firms can successfully navigate the complexities of modern-day client demands, thereby securing competitive advantage in an increasingly dynamic marketplace.

The Evolution of Client Expectations

The legal industry, historically characterised by its conservative approach to change, now finds itself in the midst of a significant transformation driven by evolving client expectations and the onset of exponential technologies. Today’s clients demand more than just expert legal advice; they seek a comprehensive service experience that is personalised, efficient, and seamlessly integrated into their digital lives. This shift in expectations has set the stage for law firms to rethink traditional service delivery models and embrace technological innovation to meet and exceed these new standards.

Personalisation at the Forefront

With the abundance of data and XaaS (Anything as a Service), clients expect personalised services that cater to their unique needs and preferences. Gone are the days when one-size-fits-all solutions were sufficient. Modern clients value law firms that proactively anticipate their needs, offer customised advice based on deep data-driven insights, and personalise communication that resonates with their personal or business context.

Accessibility Redefined

Accessibility no longer just pertains to physical office locations or business hours; it encompasses round-the-clock availability through digital channels. Clients expect instant access to legal services via online platforms where they can request consultations, track case progress, and find answers to pressing legal questions — all at their convenience.

In 2024, we can get almost anything delivered, check bank balances in a second, and interact in spatial and AR (augmented reality) environments. However, we resort to sending an email or checking an out-of-date Excel tracker to get an update on legal matters. Clients are demanding change.

Providing the level of accessibility being demanded requires law firms to invest in robust online platforms designed to enhance client engagement outside traditional boundaries.

Responsiveness: A New Benchmark

The speed at which law firms respond to client enquiries has become a critical benchmark for measuring service quality. In an era dominated by instant gratification, delayed responses are often equated with indifference or incompetence. Technology plays a pivotal role here — enabling firms to automate routine communications while freeing up attorneys’ time for more complex or value add tasks that require human judgment and expertise.

To navigate this evolution successfully:

  1. Embrace digital transformation: Law firms must leverage technology not only for internal efficiencies but as strategic tools for enhancing client engagement.
  2. Cultivate a culture of innovation: Encourage experimentation with new technologies and platforms that will drive improvement across the profession.
  3. Prioritise training: Ensure lawyers are adept not only in law but also in utilising technology tools that improve service delivery.

The thriving future legal landscape hinges upon adaptability and willingness to embrace innovation at the heart of every strategy to meet the ever-evolving demands of the modern client.

Tracking Client Satisfaction

Before improvements can be made, the current baseline must first be understood. There are many ways to measure client satisfaction; in an industry as nuanced and client-centric as legal services, measuring the Net Promoter Score (NPS) provides a window into the customer experience from the client’s perspective.

The NPS score is considered the gold-standard measure for customer experience. It tracks how likely a client is to refer you to another. It scores from -100 to +100; anything lower than a zero is considered unfavourable.

Law firms record lower scores for customer experience than other professional sectors. The is -54. Accountants received a slightly better score of -47. The insurance and financial services sector scored -32, while the property sector scored -30. On the other hand, businesses prioritising client service, such as Amazon, Netflix, and Apple, have much higher NPS scores of 53, 55, and 56, respectively.

Research by the London School of Economics indicates that for every 7% increase in a brand’s Net Promoter Score, there is a corresponding 1% growth in revenue.1Marsden, Paul & Samson, Alain & Upton, Neville. (2005). Advocacy drives growth. This correlation between NPS and revenue growth has been observed in various studies, showing that companies with higher NPS scores tend to experience faster revenue growth compared to their competitors.

Beyond Conventional Measures

However, one might argue that traditional satisfaction measures often do not account for the multifaceted nature of client experiences within law firms. It may be further argued that there is tendency to oversimplify complex interactions into numerical scores, overlooking elements crucial for fostering long-term relationships, such as trust, communication, quality, and personalised attention by the relationship partner.

Innovative law firms are turning to alternative or additive metrics that capture these subtleties more effectively.

  1. Client engagement levels: Tracking engagement through digital platforms provides insights into how clients interact with legal services online — highlighting areas for improvement in accessibility and user experience.
  2. Case outcome predictability: Measuring a firm’s ability to accurately predict case outcomes reflects its expertise and efficiency — key factors contributing to client trust and satisfaction.
  3. Client lifetime value (CLV): Calculating CLV helps firms understand the long-term value clients bring — not just through direct business but via referrals and repeat engagements, emphasising the importance of nurturing ongoing relationships.

Tailored Client Feedback Mechanisms

To gather actionable insights:

  • Shared desks: In-person or virtual shared desks facilitate natural and just-in-time feedback sharing. It changes the perception from “sitting at opposing ends of a table” to being on the same side.
  • Customized surveys: Moving beyond generic questionnaires, customised surveys delve into specific aspects of service delivery — from intake to case resolution timeliness.
  • Client advisory boards: Establishing forums where select clients provide continuous feedback on various aspects of service delivery fosters a culture of openness while directly involving clients in shaping service improvements.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Leveraging technology for data analytics allows firms to mine vast amounts of feedback data, systematically identifying patterns not easily discernible otherwise, enabling targeted improvements that directly address client concerns:

  • Implement AI-driven analytics tools capable of parsing qualitative feedback to identify recurring themes and issues.
  • Utilise sentiment analysis to gauge emotional tones across communications to refine empathy accuracy in client interactions.

By combining legal expertise with technology, law firms can provide better services. They can achieve this by measuring the impact supported by legal technology tools, which allow them to adjust their strategies to meet the changing expectations of their clients. This results in the delivery of exceptional personalised and responsive services.

Above all, ask for feedback. Less than 20% of clients reported being approached for their feedback. Taking this simple step provides a competitive advantage.

Efficiency and precision are crucial in legal service delivery, and integrating technology is key. Innovations, particularly those addressing specific categories of legal tasks and problems to be solved, improve service delivery by fostering seamless collaboration, transparency, and management between lawyers and their clients.

Streamlining Task Management through Digital Solutions

Task management is a foundational pillar in the effective delivery of legal services. Adopting digital platforms that facilitate task organisation boosts productivity and ensures no critical activity gets overlooked. For instance, leveraging tools like a Legal Technology Platform (LTP) allows for centralised task tracking, ensuring lawyers stay on top of deadlines while simultaneously offering clients visibility on case progress. This level of coordination fosters trust and reinforces the lawyer-client relationship by maintaining open lines of communication.

The complexity inherent in managing legal projects necessitates robust solutions that can handle multifaceted workflows involving numerous stakeholders. Platforms designed for legal project management empower attorneys to plan, execute, and monitor case activities with unprecedented precision. By integrating these tools with existing systems within law firms, attorneys can ensure comprehensive oversight over cases, optimising resource allocation and minimising bottlenecks for streamlined case progression. These need not be complex integrations; simply being able to view relevant documents and emails where work is being managed dramatically reduces friction and removes drudgery of work about work.

Facilitating Client Collaboration and Transparency

Clients expect more than just outcomes; they seek involvement in the process. Technologies enabling client collaboration to create shared spaces where documents can be reviewed in real-time or asynchronously while maintaining version control is a critical aspect of dealing with sensitive information. Leveraging legal tech solutions that offer features designed specifically for better coordination between lawyers and clients, ensuring transparency at every step from intake to resolution, enhances overall satisfaction and trust.

Simplifying Intake Work and Managing Client “Homework”

The initial stages of intake work often involve collecting key information and ensuring all necessary documentation is in order before proceeding. Leveraging platforms that automate or templatize this process saves time and reduces errors associated with manual data entry. Furthermore, assigning and tracking “homework” tasks such as client-side document collection becomes significantly easier when facilitated using technology that enables both parties to keep track of outstanding items and due dates, improving overall workflow efficiency.

Integration External Tools into a Seamless Ecosystem

A key aspect of modern innovation lies in its ability to integrate external tools, creating interconnected ecosystems to enhance service delivery. For example, connecting your emails, Document Management Systems (DMS), and e-signature solutions directly within the project management platform streamlines document handling and signing processes, eliminating the need to switch between multiple applications. This consolidation results in smoother operation and less administrative overhead, leading to faster resolution times and improved client experience.

Law firms can position themselves as strategic leaders by focusing on specific Jobs to be Done and embracing legal tech solutions to solve foundational problems. By adopting these innovations, they can navigate the complexities of modern-day demands and successfully deliver personalised, responsive, and accessible services that consistently exceed their clients’ expectations.

Strategic Client Management in the Era of Digital Transformation

With rapid technological advancement, the essence of strategic client management within law firms has evolved. It no longer suffices to rely solely on traditional interpersonal skills; today’s legal professionals must harness digital tools to deepen client relationships and deliver unparalleled service.

Over half (57.1%) of clients will change law firms for client service reasons. This ranks higher than factors like legal expertise and cost. Strategic Client Management is nurturing long-term profitable client relationships through more intentional efforts and collaboration. It puts the client’s needs at the forefront of the relationship and helps law firms focus on meeting those needs.

This shift towards a more integrated approach highlights the need for active listening and understanding clients’ needs as foundational elements for fostering long-term relationships.

Leveraging Technology for Proactive Client Engagement

Janet Stanton, Partner at Adam Smith, Esq., emphasizes the critical role of proactive engagement in strategic client management. In this context, technology serves as a catalyst for law firms seeking to anticipate clients’ needs before they arise. For example, the LTP enables lawyers to streamline communication with clients, ensuring that every interaction is informed by previous exchanges and tailored to address specific concerns or objectives. This level of personalised engagement fosters a sense of partnership between lawyers and their clients.

Enhancing Transparency Through Digital Platforms

Transparency is paramount in building trust within any lawyer-client relationship. Stanton argues for open channels of communication as essential components of strategic client management. By integrating Document Management Systems (DMS) with platforms that offer real-time updates on case progressions or document modifications, law firms can provide their clients with unprecedented access and involvement in their cases thereby elevating trust through transparency.

Facilitating Collaboration with Unified Tools

The complexity inherent in managing legal matters necessitates seamless collaboration between all stakeholders involved. Adopting unified technologies ensure efficient coordination on essential tasks (referred to as “client homework”), streamlining information collection crucial for maintaining momentum on cases.

Empowering Clients through Digital Self-Service Options

Empowering clients plays a crucial role in modern strategic client management practices. Providing tools that allow clients to engage actively with their cases offers them control over their legal journey while reducing administrative burdens on lawyers — a win-win scenario fostering positive outcomes.

The digital transformation sweeping across the legal industry presents challenges and opportunities in redefining strategic client management practices. By leveraging innovative technologies designed specifically for today’s dynamic landscape, law firms can exceed modern clientele expectations, fostering enduring loyalty amidst an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Building Stronger Lawyer-Client Relationships Through Technology

Technology should be viewed not as a replacement for human interaction but as a means to augment it. GenerativeAI-based tools that can create and summarise documents, blockchain-based smart contracts, work management platforms, and integrated ecosystems enable lawyers to provide more informed advice swiftly and securely. These tools also empower clients by involving them more directly in their cases, thereby enhancing trust and satisfaction.

As law firms navigate this new landscape, strategic foresight will be crucial. Leaders must stay abreast of technological trends that could impact legal practice while fostering a culture open to experimentation and innovation within their organisations. Training programmes focused on emerging technologies will ensure that teams are well-equipped to meet clients’ evolving needs.

Integrating technology into legal practice requires a growth and change mindset. It requires us to balance innovation traditions and adapt to a fast changing environment without losing sight of core principles that define the profession’s excellence. Embracing this change enables law firms to deliver superior client experiences. An exciting future awaits those willing to embrace the possibilities that digital transformation offers.


The legal profession stands on the precipice of a transformative era, propelled by exponential technological advancements and shifting client expectations. As explored throughout this article, leveraging legal tech offers law firms an opportunity to enhance service delivery, streamline operations, and forge deeper connections with clients. Embracing these technologies is no longer optional but a strategic imperative for firms aiming to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic marketplace.

The future of legal services will be characterised by firms’ ability to adapt to technological changes proactively. Legal practices must move beyond traditional models of service delivery to embrace digital platforms that offer personalised, efficient, and transparent solutions. By doing so, they can meet modern clients’ demands for immediacy and accessibility while maintaining the high-quality counsel that defines their value proposition.


1 Marsden, Paul & Samson, Alain & Upton, Neville. (2005). Advocacy drives growth.

Chief Revenue Officer

Abhijat Saraswat helps lawyers spend less time managing work and more time doing the work. Ab is also the Founder of Fringe Legal, though which, for the last five years, he has created cutting-edge content for legal innovators focused on putting ideas into practice. He is a Barrister (non-practising) and was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2015. Abhijat has worked for several large multi-national corporations across a range of sectors and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Forensic Science and Neuroscience from the University of Keele, UK.