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Archive: October 2017

This article examines recent lawyer disciplinary decisions in Singapore and England that have applied their respective criminal standards of recklessness to the prohibited conduct of misleading the Court. It also analyses the practical implications of the new test of recklessness

The law of medical negligence has recently changed, both substantively and procedurally. This article aims to provide a simple update on these changes.

The Accredited Investor scheme in Singapore has come under scrutiny in recent months following highly publicised payment defaults by several prominent bond issuers.

With the rising numbers of divorce, the Courts have increasingly become a critical point of

Family Justice Practice Forum: Family Justice 2020. "The Problem-Solving Practitioner and the Complexity of Family

It is my privilege to welcome you to our Family Justice Practice Forum. I would

Articles From This Month's Issue

This article examines recent lawyer disciplinary decisions in Singapore and England that have applied their respective criminal standards of recklessness to the

The law of medical negligence has recently changed, both substantively and procedurally. This article aims to provide a simple update on these

The Accredited Investor scheme in Singapore has come under scrutiny in recent months following highly publicised payment defaults by several prominent bond

Content marketing has been important for law firms in winning new clients, keeping in touch with existing ones, and generating a presence

The Tech Start for Law (“TSL”) program, launched on 1 March 2017, is a joint initiative by Law Society, Ministry of Law

The family law practitioner of today needs to have problem-solving skills both in and out of court room. Practising family law is

Dear Members, Over the decades, the Law Society has grown in size and functions in tandem with the increase in our membership.

We are saddened by the demise of our Percy Cyril Sirisena Mendis. Percy departed earlier this year ­­on 26 March 2017.

CPIT Investments Limited v Qilin World Capital Limited and another [2017] SGHC(I) 05

With the rising numbers of divorce, the Courts have increasingly become a critical point of interaction and intervention for families and individuals.

Family Justice Practice Forum: Family Justice 2020. "The Problem-Solving Practitioner and the Complexity of Family Justice"

It is my privilege to welcome you to our Family Justice Practice Forum. I would like to extend my warm appreciation to

The Family Justice Practice Forum held in July 2017 highlighted the changing roles of family lawyers to peacemakers and constructive family lawyers.

4 September 2017 Extraordinary General Meeting of the Law Society of Singapore 6.00pm NTUC Auditorium

The articles above are from the October 2017 issue of the Law Gazette.