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The Singapore Law Gazette

President’s Message

Can you believe it’s already December? The year has flown by.

This is the year Singapore was released from the lockdown inflicted on us by COVID-19.  We said goodbye to TraceTogether, mandatory quarantines, Heightened Alert and dining restrictions.

And then we returned to the office. This was perhaps the most difficult year in recent times for Singapore law firms.

Aside from the economic slowdown brought by the pandemic, the world has also had to deal with the fallout from the Ukraine conflict. Here in Singapore, this year has seen the creation of the Public Defender’s Office, the implementation of the new Rules of Court, the repeal of Section 377A and the amendment of our Constitution to include Article 156. It’s been a busy year on the legislative front.

It’s no surprise that many lawyers tell me that 2022 has flown by, especially its second half. Lawyers have been working flat out to steer their legal practices back on course.

Law Society’s activities returned with a vengeance: our lawyers travelled beyond our shores to build bridges, while we in Singapore welcomed the Presidents of Law Associations in Asia or POLA for their first in-person conference since 2019.

Best of all, the Law Society had its first ever in-person Dinner & Dance since the coronavirus was discovered. It was heartening to see so many Singapore practitioners attend, to catch up with old friends, and to make new ones. The resumption of our annual D&D is the best way to end a most eventful year.

On behalf of the Council of the Law Society, I wish all advocates and solicitors the compliments of the season. It’s time for us to take a break, rest, reflect and look forward to a happy and prosperous 2023.

President (January 2022 to July 2023)
The Law Society of Singapore