The Centrality of Proportionality: A Golden Thread in Sentencing
This article seeks to unpack the Proportionality principle. It also elaborates on the various ways that the Proportionality principle serves as a golden thread in sentencing.
The Versatility of the Totality Principle
This article focuses on the Totality principle, which requires the court to take a “last look” at all the facts and circumstances and assess whether the sentence looks wrong. First, the article unpacks the Totality principle. Next, it elaborates on the
Parity and Proportionality in Adduction of Fresh Evidence in Criminal Appeals: Ladd v Marshall Revisited
The recent Court of Appeal decision in Public Prosecutor v Mohd Ariffan bin Mohd Hassan [2018] 1 SLR 544 brought much needed clarity to the principles engaged when adducing fresh evidence in criminal appeals. In particular, due regard has been