Equitable Compensation and the Brickenden “Rule” After Winsta Holding Pte Ltd and another v Sim Poh Ping and others
The Brickenden rule, which was thought to provide an exception to the requirement of but-for causation of loss in equitable compensation for breach of fiduciary duty, has recently been rejected by the Singapore High Court in Winsta Holding Pte Ltd
Deposits – Two Senses of Refundability: Simpson Marine (SEA) Pte Ltd v Jiacipto Jiaravanon [2019] SGCA 7
This commentary visits a decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal, Simpson Marine (SEA) Pte Ltd v Jiacipto Jiaravanon [2019] SGCA 7 concerning a common scenario: the refundability of a deposit remitted for the purpose of reserving goods. This short
The Importance of Developing Singapore Law and Jurisprudence for the Maritime Industry
This article discusses the importance of an autochthonous regime of law and how the development of such a regime can assist Singapore’s maritime industry. Introduction The maritime industry is a lifeblood of Singapore’s economy. There is constant pressure on Singapore
Lawyers’ Duties to Prospective Clients
A Clearer Definition of “Prospective Client” is Needed Introduction Lawyers owe ethical duties to prospective clients, such as the duty of confidentiality and the duty to avoid conflicts of interests,[ref] See e.g. Ethics in Practice column, “Duties to Prospective Clients: Ethical
What Will Your Legal Practice Be Like in 2039?
Collaborating to Secure the Future of Legal Practice It has been one year since the Law Society of Singapore and the College of Law (the College) signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Singapore on 19 March 2018, to collaborate on legal
Staying Non-partisan – The Duty of an Expert
Insights from a Forensic Scientist Experts are given the privilege albeit heavy responsibility to express expert opinions in their respective specialisations to assist the Court in resolving legal disputes. Experts are expected to be objective, independent and neutral in their forensic
What You Need to Know about Law Society’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
In the last few decades, alternative dispute resolution, or ADR, has seen a meteoric rise in popularity amongst individuals and businesses looking for a better way of resolving their disputes. The Court is no longer the “first stop” that parties
Mr Lim Ewe Huat: In Memoriam
I consider it an honour to have been asked by the Law Society to write an article about the late Mr Lim Ewe Huat. My first encounter with him was as a lecturer in the older English doctrines in Civil Procedure