Much Ado About Nothing: The Civil Procedural and Ethical Perils of Inaction
This article uses the recent UK case of Woodward v Phoenix Healthcare Distribution [2019] EWCA Civ 985 as a starting point to explore the issue of whether legal practitioners are obliged to point out their opponent’s errors as a matter
A New Appellate Structure in the Supreme Court: Bigger, and Better
Singapore will have a new appellate division in the High Court. This is a historic development. Its rationale has largely been put on the basis that it has become necessary to address the rising number of cases reaching the Court
Legal Unsustainability and Order 18 Rule 19 of the Rules of Court
The decision of the High Court in Qroi Ltd v Pascoe, Ian and another [2019] SGHC 36 (Qroi), though short, was impactful. This article unpacks its significance and comes to the conclusion that the English Premier League really does not
The Statutory Framework Governing the Right to Appeal to the Court of Appeal: Some Thoughts
Considerable uncertainty has arisen over the issue of whether any particular order would be an “interlocutory order” for purposes of paragraph 5(h) of the Fifth Schedule of the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (as amended by the Supreme Court of