Can and Should We Rein in AI with Law?
What are potential risks and dangers of artificial intelligence (AI)? What are some current and proposed regulatory approaches? Are they sufficient to rein in AI? This article answers the above questions and raises socio-cultural, economic and political considerations beyond the law
Choice of Law for Torts in the Virtual World and the Future of Virtual Dispute Resolution
What law applies to torts and non-contractual wrongs in the online virtual world when the parties and acts traverse different jurisdictions? How does the choice of law rules operate? What novel approaches to this area of law and to online
Digital Tokens and Market Conduct Laws
The crypto world has a reportedly notorious reputation for market manipulation in digital token and cryptocurrency trades. At the same time, there is a rise of security tokens which constitute capital market products. How would market conduct laws and regulations
Wrongful Dismissal, Disability Discrimination and Mental Illness
Can an employer dismiss an employee for conduct which was the result of a mental condition or illness? Is mental impairment a form of disability for the purpose of employment law? Would such a dismissal be justified or wrongful amounting
Enforceability of Legal Rights Relating to Cryptocurrencies, Digital Tokens, and Smart Contracts
What rights may be legally enforced in relation to cryptocurrencies, digital tokens, and smart contracts? What is the legal basis for enforcing any such rights? Are digital assets choses in possession, choses in action, or some third category of property?
The Law and Practice of Garden Leave: Rights, Duties, Enforcement and Resistance
Garden leave is typically an arrangement where an employer requires an employee to stay away from work although the employment contract has not been terminated. While this practice occurs in Singapore, garden leave raises several unsettled legal issues under Singapore
Deputies, Donees and Disputes: Cases on the Mental Capacity Act
Since the Mental Capacity Act (Cap. 177A, 2010 Rev. Ed.) (“MCA”) came into force, there has been significant judicial clarifications on various issues on the Act. This commentary surveys the significant cases for practitioners and relevant individuals to note the